FitPartum Spotlight: Dana McFaun

Meet Dana, mom of 2 children under the age of 2! She had her second baby, 7 months ago and participated in the FitPartum™ program for her second time. This time around she did the remote program option and shares her experience below:

       I had participated in FitPartum with my first baby and this time around I didn’t know if the program would fit my busy life of a mom of 2 as well as be able to accommodate a pandemic! FitPartum did not disappoint and is designed to work with each person’s individual needs and situation. I met with Kellie for my assessment on a virtual appointment and then chose to go into the remote program for the first 4 weeks  (6-10weeks postpartum). I absolutely loved having the option of virtual or in-person appointments. I didn’t think I’d be able to work out as much as I used to before I had my second child, but I’ve actually been able to work out more because of the FitPartum program! I was able to  workout at home while the kids napped or I was able to squeeze into shorten versions of the workouts while the kids were entertained. The workouts were so convenient and the program was tailored to what my own body needed during this time. I also always felt like the coaches really knew me and what I was specifically going through. I wanted to do things “the right way” for me, and that is exactly what FitPartum did for me.

I wasn’t necessarily having any challenges postpartum, but because this was my second time around, I knew I needed additional guidance to ensure I was doing everything the right way and for my body to heal properly! I am a former crossfitter so there were certain exercises (pull-ups, barbell work, etc) I was looking forward to getting back to.  I definitely wanted to “bounce back” as quickly and efficiently as possible, but I knew that was not realistic. The moment I realized FitPartum™ was really working was was when I was finally able to start doing regular (but modified!) workouts again. I finally started to feel like myself again – something I really needed, especially given the fact that I was juggling two kids under two during a global health pandemic. I recently just tried pull-ups (strict & banded) for the first time and they felt great because of the proper way this program built my muscles, especially my core, back up!

Lastly, I’d also like to recognize the amazing FitPartum team. Kellie and Ally are incredibly knowledgeable and approachable. Not only did they truly know my unique situation, but they would (and still!) check in with me regularly just to see how I’m doing/feeling. I always felt I could ask them any questions I had and if something didn’t feel great or not right I knew they could lead me in the right direction of what exercise was a better option. I can’t recommend this program enough!


FitPartum Spotlight: Kelly Depew