Fitpartum Spotlight Remote Program: Julia Badiali
Prior to getting pregnant, I was an avid CrossFitter and spin addict. About half way through my pregnancy I was diagnosed with a short cervix so all heavy lifting and spinning had to stop, I always thought I would be one of those women who worked out right up until the day I gave birth. Unfortunately that just wasn't the case. The muscle atrophy and weight gain were my biggest frustration in getting back to fitness. I felt like I was starting all over again.
After I gave birth to my son, I knew that I was not going to be able to jump right back into working out, and really wanted to make an effort to give myself a good foundation before doing so.
FitPartum was different than anything else I had seen because of the focus on the pregnant and post partum athlete. Not many CrossFit boxes consider this population when programming their workouts which is why I loved what FitPartum offered. I chose the remote program as I live a bit of a drive away as well as I knew working out at home with my baby would be the best option for me!
When I signed up for the FitPartum program I really wanted to strengthen and heal my pelvic floor and core. I feel like the program did just that for me. I eased my way back into strength training as well as progressively challenge my core & pelvic floor. I vividly remember finishing my 4 week program and having my husband feel where my diastasis recti used to be. He could believe how much my abdominals had come back together in just 4 short weeks. I also felt so much more confident about lifting my constantly growing baby without hurting myself or feeling pain!
I am now 5 months postpartum and I am back to strength training and spin. I used the knowledge I've gained from completing the 4 week program to help me make smart choices while I lift and spin and take care of my baby. Ally and Kellie really wanted to see me succeed, and it meant a lot to this first time mama! I felt seen and heard throughout my 4 week program.